As a Scientist
I use the Network Science toolbox to study spreading patterns, diffusion processes, and epidemic interventions. Currently, I’m a postdoctoral researcher at Sune Lehmann‘s group exploring social behavior at DTU Compute & Copenhagen Center for Social Data Science. My work involves developing mathematical and computational models to investigate how interventions affect people’s behavior and spreading dynamics on social networks. I enjoy combining ideas and techniques from different fields to tackle interdisciplinary problems. During the COVID-19 pandemic, I worked with other scientists and policymakers in the NordicMath Covid project to develop and implement strategies to combat the virus. I got my D.Sc. degree under the guidance of Mikko Kivelä before the March equinox of 2024 from the Computer Science Department of Aalto University.
I also write about science for the public on I believe in the power of storytelling, so I have honed my writing and narrative communication skills since my undergraduate years. In March 2022, I was honored to receive the Charkh Award for Best Persian Science Blog from Iran National TV (IRIB TV 4).

My day job is all about crunching data, building mathematical models, and figuring out what might happen next in a population regarding spreading patterns, diffusion processes, and epidemic outcomes.
For example, I use fancy math and scripts to figure out how bad things can get when a virus spreads like wildfire—like how many people could get sick and all that. Then, I tackle questions like how many people, and in what order, we’d need to vaccinate or quarantine to put COVID or the flu in check.
I got my BSc in Solid State Physics (2016) and my MSc (2018) in Physics of Complex Systems from Shahid Beheshti University (SBU) in Tehran. I worked on cancer for my MSc project at SBU’s Center For Complex Networks & Social Data Science (CCNSD). My MSc project aimed to infer/learn the weight of the Gene Regulatory Networks (GRN)’s links in the case of Breast Cancer with a maximum entropy approach. Then, given the networks of cancerous and healthy cells, compare their networks. In a nutshell, my previous works revolved around signed networks and balance theory, but during my doctoral studies, I shifted my focus to temporal networks and the study of spreading phenomena. In particular, I have been extensively involved in modeling interventions for epidemics.
Out of Science
I’m a Persian based in Copenhagen. My first name is Abbas, the name of the “Lion King” in Arabic mythology, and [æbˈbɒːs] is the way that I like to be called! My last name is “Karimi Rizi,” and I often go by K. Rizi. “Riz” was the old name of my birthplace. I have explored many different paths; I have worked as a tour leader, electrician, data scientist, high school physics teacher, salesman, editor, and web designer, among other things. Before starting my doctoral studies, I worked for the Ministry of Education in Iran for a short period. I focused on improving diversity in higher education by analyzing and providing data-oriented reports.
I deeply admire beautifully crafted writing, whether it’s a soul-stirring Persian poem or a captivating novel/essay, either in English or thoughtfully translated. Rainer Maria Rilke and Albert Camus hold a special place in my heart, as their insights resonate with me profoundly. Among contemporary writers, I like Hisham Matar. If I were to step beyond academia, I find myself drawn to the idea of becoming a writer or a filmmaker. Cinema has an irresistible charm that captivates me entirely. I’m particularly fond of dark comedy and drama and appreciate the works of Wilder, McDonagh, Kieślowski, Naderi, and Bergman. Cooking and trying new recipes are my other hobbies. I’m so into fusion cuisines. I also enjoy talking with drunk people, hosting friends, and listening to Chopin for long hours. Unlike most of my fellows, I’m neither a fan of bouldering nor board games.

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